Lahore Board 2024 - Pak-Study class 10: Important short questions

 Important Short Questions:

I have published all important short questions chapter wise excluding questions from exercise and "do you know" box.

Chapter 5

  1. Economic reforms of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  2. Article 58-2B.
  3. Economic reforms of Zia-ul-Haq.
  4. Social Reforms of Zia-ul-Haq.
  5. Administrative Reforms of Benazir Bhutto (1988-1990)
  6. End of government of Benazir Bhutto’s Second Term (1993-1996)
  7. Industrial reforms of Nawaz Sharif (1990-1993)
  8. Agricultural Reforms of Nawaz Sharif (1990-1993)
  9. Economic Reforms of Nawaz Sharif (1990-1993)
  10. What was the 13th Amendment? (pg. no. 11)
  11. Economic Reforms of Nawaz Sharif (1997-1999)
  12. Social Reforms of Nawaz Sharif (1997-1999)
  13. “Yom-e-Takbir” day.
  14. Administrative Reforms of Nawaz Sharif (2013-107)
  15. Industrial Reforms of Pervez Musharraf (1990-2008)
  16. Social Reforms of Pervez Musharraf (1990-2008)
  17. Administrative Reforms of Musharraf (1990-2008)
  18. 18th Amendment.
  19. Economic Reforms of Imran Khan.
  20. When and where Pakistan conducted nuclear tests?
  21. Write any two key points of the constitution of Pakistan.
  22. How President of Pakistan is elected?
  23. When was military action “Zarb-e-Azb” started and why?
  24. Why Yousaf Raza Gilani had to leave the office of Prime Minister in June 2012 and who became pm after him?
  25. Write three basic objectives of of Local Government System enforced by General Pervez Musharaf.
  26. What is Veto Power?
  27. Administrative reforms of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Government.
  28. Economic reforms of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.
  29. When and on which front the first war between Pakistan and india was fought?
  30. Write two educational reforms of Zia-ul-Haq.
  31. When and where did Zia-ul-Haq die?
  32. Write two legal reforms of Benazir Bhutto.

Chapter 6

  1. Foreign’s Policy
  2. RCD Agreement (pg. no. 28)
  3. ECO organization (pg. no. 29)
  4. Durand Line (pg. no. 30)
  5. What resolution was passed in 1949 by Security Council (pg. no. 32)
  6. Why India refused to hold plebiscite in Kashmir?
  7. Current situation of Kashmir Issue.
  8. Names of Central Asian Muslim Countries (pg. no. 34)
  9. For what purpose OIC was established? (pg. no. 34)
  10. Tashkent agreement (pg. no. 43)
  11. What sevices are being rendered by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Pakistan? (pg. no. 45)
  12. CPEC (pg. no. 46)
  13. How Pakistan has contributed towards peace keeping in the world?
  14. Why land and sea routes of Pakistan are important?
  15. Write four members of United Nations who have the right of Veto.
  16. Write four names of Asian Countries of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).
  17. What step did Security Council of United Nations take in 1949 to resolve Kashmir problem?
  18. What is the significance of the location of Republic in Maldives?
  19. What measures did Japan take to overcome the backwardness of Balochistan?
  20. What is the importance of Pak-China Economic Corridor?
  21. Write two impacts of war of 1971 on Pakistan.
  22. What is the source of income of Central Asian Countries?
  23. When did China get freedom and how does it celebrate freedom?
  24. When and where did the second Islamic summit conference held?

Chapter 6

  1. Colombo plan (pg. no. 50)
  2. What were the main targets of first five year plan launched in 1955. (pg. no. 50)
  3. What were the objectives of second five year plan launched in 1960. (pg. no. 51)
  4. What steps were taken for agricultural development in second five year plan? (pg. no. 52)
  5. What were the objectives of fifth five year plan (1978-1988). (pg. no. 53)
  6. Highlight the development projects of sixth decade/
  7. Define labour force.
  8. Highlight the importance of Agricultural sector in Pakistan.
  9. Benefits of Industrial development.
  10. Problems of Small Industry.
  11. Types of energy sources.
  12. What problems power sector is facing these days.
  13. Mentions any three suggestions to solve electricity problem.
  14. Main reasons for the widening trade deficit.
  15. How to reduce trade deficit?
  16. What are the importance of sea ports and dry ports?
  17. What are the major imports and exports of Pakistan?
  18. What is meant by defence industry?
  19. What is meant by flood canals?
  20. Write the name of two barrages constructed on River Ravi.
  21. What is the importance of Bin Qasim Port for steel mill?
  22. What is the main reason for the decrease of foreign investment in Pakistan?
  23. Define economic development.
  24. When did Quaid-e-Azam take oath as first Governor General of and after him who reined the power of the country?
  25. Define GDP.
  26. Why was established National Tourism Coordination Board?
  27. Write the uses of manganese.
  28. Write importance of mineral sector.

Chapter 6

  1. Define Demography.
  2. How population in urban areas in increasing resulting in creating problems of residence, employment, educational and health in cities? (pg. no. 84)
  3. Define census (pg. no. 85)
  4. Define the term Gender Composition.
  5. Define term Gender Discrimination.
  6. Define Society.
  7. What important steps can be taken to increase literacy rate in Pakistan?
  8. What are the suggestions for solving educational problems?
  9. What important steps are to be taken to improve health sector?
  10. What are the international views on Pakistan’s Tourism Sector?
  11. What are the reasons for the decline in the number of international tourists in Pakistan?
  12. What are the responsibilities of the Pakistani people for the promotion of Tourism?
  13. What are the causes of poverty in Pakistan?
  14. Write the name of two buildings designed by Sir Gangga Ram.
  15. Wrte name of two regional languages of Gilgit Baltistan.
  16. What are the effects of poverty in Pakistan?
  17. What are the remedies for poverty alleviation?
  18. How balance can be created between population and resources?
  19. What is university education?
  20. Write the name of any three Punjabi poets.
  21. Write any two religious festivals of Pakistan.
  22. Write the services of Dr. Ruth Pfau?
  23. Write the name of famous poets of Pushto language. Write the name of any four famous painters of Pakistan.

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