Form of Verb MCQ's Important: Class 9


1) It had been ___________ since last night.

a) Rain

b) Raining

c) Rained

d) was rained

2) I hope it will ____________ raining by the


a) stop

b) stopped

c) stopping

d) stops

3) I __________ her in the plane.

a) meet

b) am meeting

c) met

d) have been meeting

4) He ___________ to us tomorrow.

a) comes

b) will come

c) came

d) had come

5) I __________ living in this house since 1970.

a) has been

b) have been

c) was

d) will be

6) He _________ here yesterday.

a) has come

b) have come

c) came

d) come

7) If you ________, I shall be available.

a) will come

b) come

c) have come

d) came

8) He ________ take the examination next year.

a) will have

b) will

c) will be

d) shall

9) He _______ to us tomorrow.

a) comes

b) will come

c) came

d) had come

10) Sumera _________absent because she is ill.

a) Were

b) Will

c) Would

d) Is

11) They always ____________ back home late.

a) Come

b) Comes

c) Coming

d) Had come

12) They ___________ tea every morning.

a) Drink

b) Drinks

c) Drinking

d) Drunk

13) He always ____________ a lie.

a) Tells

b) Tell

c) Told

d) Is telling

14) Let the window ___________.

a) Open

b) Be opened

c) Opened

d) Opens

15) Charity _____________ at home.

a) Begins

b) Began

c) Would begin

d) Begin

16) I do not _____________ my meals at night.

a) Takes

b) Took

c) Take

d) are Taking

17) She ______________ the door softly.

a) Shut

b) Shuts

c) Shutting

d) None of these

18) He ____________ to school every day.

a) Will go

b) Goes

c) Go

d) Went

d) Have been travelling

19) She ____________ apples.

a) Is liked

b) Is liking

c) Like

d) Likes

20) He ________________ English quite well.

a) Speaks

b) Speaking

c) Spoke

d) Has been speaking

21) He always ______________ back home late. a) Come

b) Comes

c) Has come

d) Had come

22) Patriots ________ their lives for country.

a) Lay

b) Laid

c) Layed

d) Has lay

23) All Parents _______________ their children. a) Love

b) Are loving

c) Loved

d) Have loved

24) They _____________ to sleep at ten.

a) Went

b) Go

c) Goes

d) Are going

25) He _____________ newspapers for living.

a) Sell

b) Selling

c) Sells

d) Will sold

26) He tells a story that _____________ untrue.

a) Sound

b) Go

c) Sounds

d) Sounding

27) Do you ___________ to school every day? a) Go

b) Went

c) Gone

d) These

28) The sum _____________ in the west.

a) Sets

b) Set

c) Setting

d) Have set

29) The earth ____________ around the sun.

a) Revolve

b) Revolves

c) Revolved

d) Revolving

30) They are not _________________ help. (passive voice)

a) Give

b) Gave

c) Given

d) Has given

31) They ________ ten every morning.

a) Take

b) Took

c) Takes

d) Are taking

32) The picture is _____________ by the boy. (passive voice)

a) Make

b) Makes

c) Made

d) Making

33) Good studies always ___________ hard.

a) Have worked

b) Work

c) Works

d) Working

34) She _________ her cat very much.

a) Loved

b) Loving

c) Loves

d) love

35) Salma ___________ interest in studies.

a) Take

b) Takes

c) Taking

d) Has taken

36) He ____________ the truth.

a) Speak

b) Speaks

c) Speaking

d) Spoken

37) He ____________ us English daily.

a) Teach

b) Teaches

c) Had taught

d) will teach

38) A patriot ___________ his country.

a) Loved

b) Love

c) Loves

d) Has loved

39) The hen _____________ eggs.

a) Lay

b) Is laying

c) Has been laying

d) Had been laying

40) He is _____________ along with his friends. a) Come

b) Comes

c) Coming

d) Came

41) They are ______________ net ball.

a) Playing

b) Play

c) Played

d) Plays

42) I am ______________ for you.

a) waiting

b) wait

c) waited

d) shall wait

43) The baby ____________ for milk now.

a) cries

b) is crying

c) cried

d) was crying

44) He ____________to us next week.

a) comes

b) came

c) is coming

d) is caming

45) It ______________ at present.

a) is raining

b) rain

c) rains

d) was raining

46) Now the students ___________ a noise in the class room.

a) Make

b) Had made

c) Have been making

d) Are making

47) She ____________ English now.

a) was speaking

b) speak

c) is speaking

d) spoke

48) Are they___________ idle?

a) sit

b) sits

c) sitting

d) set

49) Rickshaw is not _____________ this way.

a) come

b) came

c) coming

d) comes

50) The girl has ___________ the story.

a) wrote

b) write

c) written

d) writes

51) They already _________________ their

home test.

a) did

b) have done

c) do

d) were doing

52) They have _____________ in this house.

a) lived

b) living

c) are living

d) were living

53) I already _____________ three cups of


a) Took

b) Take

c) Has taken

d) Have taken

54) I already _____________ the letter.

a) post

b) posted

c) have posted

d) an posting

55) We have ______________the football


a) win

b) been win

c) won

d) had won

56) She has _________________ him back.

a) send

b) is sending

c) sent

d) will send

57) She _______________in this office for

seven years.

a) is working

b) has not seen

c) have no seen

d) will not seen

58) They ____________fighting for two hours.

a) are

b) has been

c) have been

d) did

59) They _________ exercise since morning.

a) take

b) have been taking

c) took

d) have taken

60) I am tired, because I have been


a) running

b) run

c) runs

d) ran

61) I have been ______________ for two years.

a) read

b) reads

c) readed

d) reading

62) The patient _______________ with pain

when the doctor arrived.

a) Cried

b) Having been crying

c) has been crying

d) crieses

63) She ____________ here since 1960.

a) has living

b) had living

c) had been living

d) has been living

64) Ali _____________ this book since


a) read

b) has read

c) has been reading

d) will read

65) How long _____________ you been learning English?

a) has

b) are

c) have

d) am

66) I _________________ here for two hours.

a) wait

b) have been waiting

c) waits

d) waiting

67) I _______________ you since Monday.

a) did not use

b) has not seen

c) have not seen

d) will not seen

68) We _______________ cricket for an hour.

a) are playing

b) will be playing

c) have been playing

d) were playing

69) I ______________ living in this house since 1970.

a) has been

b) have been

c) was

d) will be

70) You have been _____________ since morning.

a) rested

b) rest

c) rests

d) resting

71) She __________ since morning.

a) Sleep

b) Sleeping

c) has been sleeping

d) have been sleeping

72) They _____________ in this house for ten years.

a) an studding

b) study

c) will study

d) have been waiting

73) I ____________ for three house.

a) an studding

b) study

c) will study

d) have been studying

74) It _________ to rain an hour ago.

a) began

b) begins

c) begin

d) begun

75) They ___________ hockey at that time.

a) will be playing

b) have playing

c) play

d) played

76) I __________ him in the place yesterday.

a) am meating

b) was met

c) met

d) meat

77) He ______________ from Lahore yesterday.

a) came

b) comes

c) will come

d) have come

78) I was ____________ to see the match.

a) delighted

b) delighting

c) delight

d) had been delighted

79) He_____________ twenty minute ago.

a) leave

b) left

c) leaves

d) leaving

80) The fire ___________ at night.

a) is burn

b) burning

c) burnt

d) was burn

81) He____________ a prize last year.

a) win

b) won

c) wining

d) will win

82) He did not _______________ to my letter.

a) reply

b) replied

c) replying

d) replies

83) Sumera _________ he lunch yesterday.

a) eat

b) eats

c) ate

d) eating

84) He ____________ in the run for an hour.

a) stand

b) stood

c) will stand

d) has been standing

85) We ______________ a match today.

a) Played

b) Had played

c) will played

d) Play

86) She ___________ to school an hour ago.

a) is going

b) gone

c) went

d) will go

87) Shahida ______________ a sad song today.

a) sing

b) sings

c) sang

d) is singing

88) Tables were ___________ by Najma.

a) break

b) broke

c) broken

d) breaks

89) They ____________ hard all day.

a) worked

b) working

c) work

d) are working

90) Quaid-e-Azam ___________ very hard.

a) had been work

b) works

c) work

d) worked

91) He ___________ here yesterday.

a) came

b) has come

c) will you

d) comes

92) Why did she such a letter?

a) wrote

b) write

c) has written

d) writing

93) I _____________ the book when the bell rang.

a) read

b) reads

c) reading

d) was reading

94) It was _____________ in the morning.

a) rain

b) rained

c) rains

d) raining

95) Girls were_______________.

a) sing

b) sings

c) sung

d) singing

96) She ____________ a song when I entered the room.

a) Sing

b) Sang

c) will sing

d) was singing

97) She was ______________ the students.

a) Teaches

b) Teach

c) Taught

d) Teaching

98) He was riding a bike when he ____________ an accident.

a) meet

b) meets

c) met

d) meeting

99) They ___________ to school when the

storm broke.

a) Are going

b) went

c) gone

d) were going

100) I ______________ the house before it started raining.

a) leave

b) have left

c) had left

d) will leave

101) She ___________ in this office for seven years.

a) work

b) works

c) was working

d) had been working

102) She ____________ since morning.

a) is sleeping

b) sleeps

c) slept

d) had been sleeping

103) After you ________________ I went to sleep.

a) Had left

b) left

c) leave

d) was leaving

104) We had not _____________ him before he came here.

a) see

b) sees

c) saw

d) seen

105) They ____________ their meal before the

guests arrived.

a) Take

b) Took

c) Takes

d) Had taken

106) The match started after I ___________ the play ground.

a) has left

b) have left

c) left

d) had left

107) He had already _____________ the letter. a) posts

b) posted

c) posting

d) is posting

108) She _____________before the party


a) is leaving

b) has left

c) has been leaving

d) had left

109) He went home after he ___________ his work.

a) Finished

b) will finish

c) have finished

d) had finished

110) He had been ___________ here since


a) come

b) coming

c) comes

d) came

111) I will ____________ you with your homework if I can.

a) Helped

b) help

c) helps

d) ha helped

112) I will _________ you next week.

a) visit

b) visited

c) have visited

d) has visited

113) He _________ take the examination next


a) will have

b) will

c) will be

d) shall be

114) I ___________ him next Monday.

a) shall see

b) saw

c) had seen

d) see

115) Will you __________ me, If you are going to be late?

a) informs

b) informed

c) informing

d) inform

116) I ____________ this exercise in an hour' time.

a) finish

b) shall finish

c) have finished

d) had finished

117) They _____________ for London


a) leave

b) shall leave

c) will leave

d) left

118) He ____________ take the examination next year.

a) will have

b) will

c) will be

d) shall

119) Zahid ___________ to Lahore tomorrow. a) Will go

b) went

c) going

d) gone

120) She ____________ taking this medicine by March next.

a) will stop

b) will have stopped

c) stopped

d) would stop

121) They ____________ all night.

a) Will travel

b) shall travel

c) Travel

122) I _____________ this examination by

August 2014.

a) Will pass

b) shall pass

c) have passed

d) shall have

123) He __________ in the sun or an hour.

a) stands

b) has stand

c) has been standing

d) will stand

124) They __________ their work by tomorrow.

a) will complete

b) completed

c) had completed

d) complete

125) I ________________ you tomorrow.

a) shall met

b) meet

c) meets

d) would meet

126) They ____________ to dinner on Sunday.

a) will come

b) came

c) come

d) are coming

127) She ____________ her lesson in music in

the morning.

a) will be taking

b) has been taking

c) would be taking

d) taking

128) I ____________ the paper then.

a) Read

b) shall be reading

c) an reading

d) reads

129) He will be ______________ his lesson.

a) learn

b) learning

c) learns

d) learnt

130) Mangoes ______________ the market by


a) Reached

b) will have reached

c) reach

d) are reaching

131) He __________ his work before the guests


a) Finish

b) will have finished

c) finishing

d) has finished

132) We shall have _____________ the snake.

a) bill

b) billing

c) killed

d) kills

133) If she had seen me, She ___________

greeted me.

a) will have

b) would have

c) would

d) would has

134) I _____________ writing this letter by June

next year.

a) will go

b) go

c) goes

d) went

135) If you had studied hard, you

____________ succeeded.

a) would

b) will

c) will have

d) would have

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  1. very informative
    but some choice are not matching question
