Important MCQ's of Grammar: class 10

Important English MCQ's for Lahore Board Paper - Class 10. 

Grammar with Answers

Choose the correct option according to the grammar.

1.       Our job is to keep the audience happy. The underlined word is a/an __  noun.

(a) collective                         (b) concrete                           (c) abstract                            (d) proper

2. Someone ate my cookies. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Personal pronoun          (c) Relative pronoun           (c) Definite pronoun            (d) Indefinite pronoun

3. I am afraid I cannot afford to spend too much money. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an:

(a) gerund                              (b) participle                         (c) infinitive                          (d) None of these

4. The room was full, so I had no place to sit. It is a ___ sentence.

(a) simple                              (b) compound                      (c) complex                           (d) None of these

5. How long ____ you been working in the garden?

(a) has                                    (b) have                 (c) will                                    (d) shall

6. Identify the indefinite pronoun in these words:

(a) somebody                       (b) those                                (c) his                                     (d) either

7. They invited us to their home yesterday. What tense is it?

(a) Present indefinite           (b) Past indefinite                (c) Past perfect                     (d) Future indefinite

8. Do not tell a lie. What kind of sentence is it?

(a) assertive                          (b) optative                           (c) exclamatory                   (d) imperative

9. I went to see what had happened. The underlined word is a/an ____.

(a) Noun clause                    (b) Objective clause            (c) Adverb clause (d) Main clause

10. “The watchman blew his whistle. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Transitive verb               (b) Intransitive verb            (c) Regular verb                   (d) None

11. He had all the money in the world, ___ he was sad.

(a) why                                  (b) but                                    (c) if                                        (d) because

12. The man ___ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin. Choose the correct relative pronoun.

(a) that                                   (b) what                 (c) whom                               (d) which

13. Maria fell over the cat. The underlined phrase is:

(a) infinitive                          (b) gerund                              (c) prepositional   (d) None of these

14. Behave elders politely. The underlined word is:

(a) Adverb of place             (b) Adverb of time               (c) Adverb of frequency     (d) Adverb of manner

15. Mother is the real face of God. The underlined word is:

(a) Abstract noun                (b) Collective noun              (c) Uncountable noun         (d) Concrete noun

16. ____ books are these?

(a) Who                                 (b) That                                 (c) Whom                              (d) Whose

17. I do not like costly dress. The underlined word is:

(a) Adverb                             (b) Adjective                         (c) Noun                                (d) Pronoun

18. She will have been crying since midnight.

(a) Present continuous        (b) Future perfect (c) Past indefinite (d) Future perfect continuous

19. Last summer, we ____ many places.

(a) visited                              (b) had visited                      (c) have visited                     (d) does visit

20. If he offers me a job I ___ it.

(a) Would have accepted   (b) Will accept      (c) Would accept (d) Is accepting

21. He lost his job ___ he was often late.

(a) while                                 (b) or                      (c) because                            (d) as

22. We ____ our bottles so we could use it again.

(a) cleaning                           (b) clean                                (c) cleaned                            (d) cleans

23. “The watchman blew his whistle.” The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Intransitive verb            (b) Transitive verb               (c) Regular verb                   (d) Helping verb

24. We have to take the bus ___ tomorrow morning.

(a) early                 (b) earlier                               (c) earliest                              (d) more early

25. All students ___ for prizes.

(a) competes                         (b) competing                       (c) compete                           (d) none

26. “Worst” is:

(a) adverb                             (b) verb                                  (c) adjective                          (d) conjunction

27. What did you bring for me? The tense used is:

(a) Future indefinite                            (b) Past indefinite                                (c) Past perfect     (d) Present perfect

28. Learn to love poor mankind. The underlined word is:

(a) infinitive                          (b) gerund                              (c) Present participle            (d) Past participle

29. I like those who win the first prize. The underlined word is ___ pronoun.

(a) interrogative (b) relative               (c) personal           (d) reflexive

30. “Family” is __ noun.

(a) abstract                           (b) material           (c) collective         (d) proper

31. “Who helps the poor?” the correct voice is:

(a) By whom are the poor helped?   (b) By whom the poor help                (c) Whom the poor helped

(d) By whom the poor are helped

32. ___ book do you like?

(a) Whom              (b) Which              (c) That                  (d) Who

33. Try again is an inspiring poem. The understand word is:

(a) gerund              (b) infinitive                          (c) Past participle                 (d) Present participle

34. “It will be raining.” Tense used:

(a) Future indefinite                            (b) Past continuous             (c) Future continuous          (d) Past indefinite

35. I have lost the pen ___ I bought this morning.

(a) which               (b) whose                               (c) whom                               (d) what

36. Mehak is intending “to go”. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an:

(a) gerund                              (b) participle                         (c) verb                  (d) infinitive

37. If he ___ more carefully he would not cause an accident.

(a) drive                 (b) driven                               (c) drove                                (d) droving

38. Yesterday at 5 O’clock I __ apples.

(a) was eating                       (b) had eaten                        (c) eats                                   (d) ate

39. “My friend gave me the book.” Choose the correct passive voice.

(a) I have been given the book by my friend.                (b) I am given the book by my friend.

(c) I was given the book by my friend.                            (d) I had not been given the book by my friend.

40. Ali was impressed __ Sarmad’s grades.

(a) with                  (b) from                 (c) to                                       (d) by

41. Sarmad ate a lot of sweets. The underlined word is ___ verb.

(a) regular              (b) intransitive                      (c) transitive                          (d) auxiliary

42. As a young trader, he earned good reputation. The underlined part is:

(a) Noun phrase                   (b) Prepositional phrase                      (c) Adjective phrase            (d) Infinitive

43. Our practice usually starts at Six O’ Clock. The underlined word is an adverb of:

(a) degree                              (b) manner                            (c) frequency                        (d) place

44. “He is poor but he has ego.” The underlined sentence is a/an:

(a) imperative                       (b) optative                           (c) compound       (d) complex

45. What were you thinking? Tense used:

(a) Past indefinite                (b) Past continuous             (c) Past perfect     (d) Past perfect continuous

46. A clever trick was played successfully by the cat. The underlined word is adverb of ___.

(a) frequency                        (b) place                                (c) manner                            (d) time

47. If he invites me, I‘ll go there. This sentence is __

(a) simple                              (b) 1st conditional               (c) 2nd conditional              (d) 3rd conditional

48. Everybody enjoys a good movie. The underlined word is a/an __ pronoun.

(a) definite                            (b) reflexive                          (c) indefinite                         (d) personal

49. Didn’t you see the sign? You ___ drive at more than 30 miles an hour.

(a) must not                          (b) should not                       (c) may not                           (d) are not

50. Do not tell a lie. What kind of sentence is it?

(a) assertive                          (b) imperative                       (c) optative                           (d) exclamatory

51. Identify the indefinite pronoun in these words.

(a) those                                (b) his                                     (c) either                                (d) somebody

52. The dog was barking ___ night.

(a) in                                       (b) to                                      (c) at                                       (d) of

53. I am not ___ him the secret.

(a) tells                                   (b) tell                                     (c) told                                   (d) telling

54. Her mother has ___ chance of recovery.

(a) little                                  (b) the little                            (c) a little                               (d) littles

55. He had all the money in the world ____ he was sad.

(a) but                                    (b) yet                                    (c) still                                    (d) so

56. Flying above the lake at this time of night seems a little dangerous. The underlined phrase is:

(a) Infinitive Phrase            (b) Gerund Phrase                (c) Prepositional Phrase      (d) Adverbal Phrase

57. Hazrat Muhammad’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) life is a perfect model. The underlined word is an/an:

(a) Noun                                (b) Adjective                         (c) Verb                                  (d) Preposition

58. He does not care _____ me.

(a) to                                      (b) on                                     (c) from                                 (d) for

59. They rested at sun-set. The underlined phrase is:

(a) Noun Phrase                   (b) ضAdjective Phrase                       (c) Gerund Phrase                (d) Adverb Phrase

60. Hearing this, the Sahaba (R.A) became anxious. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Gerund                             (b) Infinitive                                         (c) Adverb                             (d) Adjective

61. “I like apples but I like pears more”. This is a:

(a) Simple Sentence            (b) Copmound Sentence    (c) Complex Sentences       (d) Compound Complex Sentence

62. He decided their case with equity and justice. The underlined words are:

(a) Concrete Nouns             (b) Abstract Nouns              (c) Noun Clause   (d) Adjective Clause

63. “The umbrella with a broken handle is mine”. The underline part of the sentences is a/an:

(a) Noun Phrase                   (b) Adjective Phrase            (c) Noun Clause   (d) Adjective Clause

64. “He was a lion in the battle”. This sentence is an example of:

(a) Metaphor                        (b) Simile                               (c) Negative Sentence         (d) None

65. After learning the parts of speech, the class began studying punctuation. Identify the phrase.

(a) Infinitive Phrase            (b) Gerund Phrase                (c) Prepositional Phrase      (d) Simple Phrase

66. The man complained that there was no bread. The underlined part of sentence is a/an:

(a) Dependent Clause         (b) Independent Clause      (c) Relative Clause              (d) Irrelative Clause

67. __ it was hot, he was wearing a coat. Choose the correct conjunctions.

(a) When                               (b) Although                         (c) Then                 (d) And

68. If you come, we shall dine together. It is a ____ sentence.

(a) First Conditional            (b) Second Conditional      (c) Third Conditional          (d) Compound Sentence

69. Since when have they been serving aged parents? The tense used in this sentence is:

(a) Future Continuous        (b) Future Perfect (c) Present Perfect Continuous

(d) Present Continuous

70. He ____ smoking in 2016.

(a) give up                             (b) gives up                           (c) gave up                            (d) has give up

71. I have a surprising news. The underlined word is:

(a) Gerund                             (b) Infinitive                         (c) Present Participle            (d) Past Participle

72. She is not ignorant ___ her short comings.

(a) with                                  (b) of                                      (c) on                                      (d) in

73. Pakistan is very dear ____ us.

(a) to                                      (b) for                                     (c) by                                      (d) with

74. Keep the balls in that basket. The underlined words are __ nouns.

(a) Concrete                          (b) Abstract                           (c) Reflexive                         (d) Proper

75. Will someone be here soon to open the door. The underlined phrase is:

(a) Noun Phrase                   (b) Infinitive Phrase            (c) Gerund Phrase                (d) Prepositional Phrase

76. She takes pride ____ her work.

(a) on                                     (b) from                 (c) with                                   (d) in

77. I go to ball practice late so I forgot to set my alarm. What sentence is this:

(a) Complex                         (b) Optative                          (c) Simple                              (d) Compound

78. Have you seen the man ___ bought a book from the shop just now.

(a) that                                   (b) what                 (c) who                                   (d) which

79. This is an old fashioned hat. The underlined part of sentence is a/an:

(a) Noun Phrase                   (b) Verb Phrase                    (c) Compound Noun                           (d) Adjective Phrase

80. They ____ before he arrived.

(a) have eaten                      (b) have been eating           (c) had eaten                                        (d) eaten

81. Does the captain want us to lower the sails before we enter the harbor? The underlined phrase is:

(a) Infinitive Phrase            (b) Gerund Phrase                (c) Prepositional Phrase                      (d) Adverb Phrase

82. Have you got anything __ these poor women could take for the kids.

(a) who                                  (b) whom                               (c) what                 (d) which

83. ‘He did not take care of his pet’. The underlined word is a/an __ noun.

(a) Concrete                          (b) Abstract                           (c) Proper                               (d) Relative

84. ‘None of the cheques were cashed; They finally expired.’ The underlined word is a/an ____.

(a) Personal Pronoun          (b) Adverb Phrase                (c) Relative Pronoun           (d) Proper Noun

85. ‘Their progress was slow because they were tired. It is a/an __ sentence.

(a) Conditional                     (b) Negative                         (c) Compound                      (d) Complex

86. I shall invite you ___ my birthday.

(a) to                                      (b) on                                     (c) at                                       (d) for

87. I am sad but you smile. This is the sentence:

(a) Complex                         (b) Optative                          (c) Assertive                          (d) Compound

88. He did much work in his youth. Tense used in this sentence is:

(a) Past Indefinite                (b) Present Indefinite          (c) Future Indefinite            (d) Past Continuous

89. ‘They recommended him for his justice. The underlined word is a/an _ noun.

(a) Proper                              (b) Common                         (c) Concrete                          (d) Abstract

90. ‘The black umbrella is mine.’ The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Adverb                             (b) Adjective                         (c) Preposition                      (d) Verb

91. ‘He could not go home, __ he had no place to go.’ Choose the appropriate conjunction:

(a) but                                    (b) for                                     (c) though                              (d) if

92. I have always disliked smoking. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Gerund                             (b) Infinitive                         (c) Adjective                         (d) Adverb

93. He will not be ____ up by his uncle.

(a) bring                 (b) brought                            (c) help                                   (d) brings

94. I saw myself in the mirror. The underlined word is a/an ___ pronoun.

(a) Possessive                       (b) Relative                           (c) Indefinite                         (d) Reflexive

95. The students gathered signatures for increasing the hours of the library. The underlined part of the sentence is a/an:

(a) Infinitive Phrase            (b) Gerund Phrase                (c) Second conditional sentence       (d) First conditional sentence

96. This treatment is really great. It makes me feel so relaxed. The underlined part of the sentence is:

(a) Present Participle           (b) Past Participle (c) Concrete Noun               (d) Collective Noun

97. If you had not been late, we would have not missed the bus. This sentence is:

(a) Third conditional           (b) Second conditional       (c) First conditional             (d) Simple

98. ‘He bore a banner with a strange device.’ The underlined part of the sentence is a/an:

(a) Adverb Phrase                (b) Noun Phrase                   (c) Principal Clause             (d) Adjective Phrase

99. I did not go to the meeting because I was sick. It is a/an __ sentence.

(a) Complex                         (b) Simple                                              (c) Compound                      (d) Optative

100. He will not part ____ his wealth.

(a) to                                      (b) with                  (c) from                                 (d) on

101. Fareed said ___ he needed the most was a long and quiet holiday.

(a) that                                   (b) which                                               (c) what                 (d) who

102. “What would you do, if there were no more books?” This sentence is:

(a) First Conditional            (b) Second Conditional                      (c) Third Conditional          (d) None of these

103. “He worked hard day and night because he did not wish to fail.” This senetence is:

(a) simple                              (b) compound                                      (c) complex                           (d) compound complex

104. My mother will be watching my ways. Tense used in this sentence is future:

(a) Continuous                     (b) Indefinite                                        (c) Perfect                              (d) Perfect continuous

105. I like your driving. The underlined word is:

(a) Present Participle                           (b) Infinitive                         (c) Past Participle (d) Gerund

106. Hardwork is key __ success. Fill in the blank with proper preposition.

(a) of                                      (b) to                 (c) for                                 (d) with

107. Would that I were C.S.P officer. The sentence is:

(a) Assertive                          (b) Compound                     (c) Complex                                         (d) Optative

108. “I love the poor and you hate them.” The sentence is:

(a) Compound                     (b) Complex                         (c) Optative                                           (d) Imperative

109. I trust ____ God. The correct preposition is:

(a) on                                     (b) in                   (c) of                                                      (d) at

110. He was absent ____ the class.

(a) to                        (b) from                                 (c) of                                      (d) for

111. I would have been glad if he ___ me in the hospital.

(a) visit                 (b) visited                              (c) will visit                            (d) had visited

112. I feel ____ the poor.

(a) on                               (b) for                          (c) in                                       (d) from

113. Smoking is injurious ___ health.

(a) on                                     (b) to                                      (c) of                                      (d) for

114. Hand me that hammer. The underlined word is a/an ___ pronoun.

(a) Interrogative        (b) Reflexive                 (c) Demonstrative                (d) Reflective

115. He is the young man ___ saved my life.

(a) whom                               (b) whose                               (c) who                                   (d) that

116. They showed ____ patience.

(a) much                                (b) more                 (c) many                                (d) few

117. He is fond __ tea.

(a) for                                     (b) to                                      (c) of                                      (d) from

118. I am related _____ her.

(a) for                                     (b) from                 (c) of                                      (d) to

119. ___ Indus is the largest river in Pakistan.

(a) An                                     (b) A                                       (c) The                                   (d) Of

120. I am poor but I have ego. The sentence is:

(a) Imperative                      (b) Optative                          (c) Assertive                          (d) Compound

121. The class has just had a physics lesson. The underlined word is a/an:

(a) Collective Noun                             (b) Material Noun                (c) Abstract Noun                (d) Concrete Noun

122. Abide ___ traffic rules. Correct preposition is:

(a) of                                      (b) by                     (c) on                      (d) with

123. A rolling stone gathers no mass. The underlined part of sentence is a/an:

(a) Noun Phrase                   (b) Adjective Phrase                            (c) Adverb Phrase                (d) Adjective Clause

124. The examination ended and the students went home. This senetence is:

(a) Complex Sentence        (b) Simple Sentence                            (c) Compound Sentence    (d) Compound Complex

125. If you get back late, I shall be angry. This sentence is:

(a) Second Conditional      (b) Third Conditional                          (c) First Conditional            (d) Simple

126. I have been studying for three hours. The “tense” of this sentence is:

(a) Present continuous        (b) Past continuous             (c) Present perfect                (d) Present perfect continuous

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