2nd Year English Paper Important Questions 2023


This guess paper consists of the most important questions from exam's point of view. This does not mean that the entire paper will come from it.

2nd year English Important Questions 2023

Most Important Short Questions (Modern Prose and Heroes)


1. How did earth come into existence? / How did
2. planets come into being? / When and how did our
3. earth and other planets come into existence?
4. Why is there no life on the stars?
5. How 1t 1s a star seldom finds another star near it?
6. Why is the universe, of which our earth 1s a part, so frightening?
7. Write a note on beginning of life on the earth?
8. Why was life born on the earth? / How did difeappear on the earth?
9. What happened when the wandering nearer and nearer? / What was the. result when a star came near the sun?

1. How the use of scientific method has helped us in the control of disease? / How has science improved our health?
2. How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears?
3. Why was water used sparingly in the past? / How did people obtain water in the past and how was it
4. Why was the variety of food limited in the past?
5. Compare the sanitary condition of our cities hundred years ago and now.
6. How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of food? / How did
the scientific method help us?


1. How does financial pressure lead to the failure of students?
2. How does mistake ambbition on the part of boys and their parent lead to the failure of the boys?
3. What shouldbe the Tole of a college dean?
4. Who are lazy bluffers & how do they learn a lesson? What advice does the writer give about the lazy bluffers?
5. Why do some talented boys fail in college?
6. What place would be accorded to sports men in college?


1. What was Daiches attitude towards week-end as a school boy?
2. What was Daiches general views of school life? /
3. Daiches was a brilliant student but he did not like his school life. Why?
4. Wishes don't come true in life, writes Daiches. What are the things he longed for but could not
5. Daiches liked holidays for their freedom-freedom from what? / Why did Daiches like holidays?
6. How did David Daiches spend his summer holidays?
7. What did Daiches do with his pocket money?


1. Why should bad books be destroyed?
2. Why couldn't the writer burn all his books?
3. Why is it difficult to destroy books?
4. What did the writer finally decide to do with the books? / How did the writer take the books to the
river? / What did the writer finally decide to do with his unwanted books?
5. Why do people want to get rid of useless and old books?


1. What was the prescription given to the writer by the doctor?
2. Describe his visit to the chemist.
3. How did writer come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
4. Describe writer's visit to doctor/ medical man.
5. What was the disease J.K. Jerome discovered he did not have?
6. Why did the Jerome go to the British Museum? / Where did Jerome K. Jerome go to read the treatment for some slight ailment and what did he find about his health at the end?


1. Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal? / Why did the manager consider Leacock a detective?
2. How did the writer feel when he entered the bank? / Describe briefly Stephen Leacock's misadventure in the bank.
3. What was the attitude of the manager towards Leacock on learning that he only wished to deposit
56 dollars? / What was the manager's expectation from Leacock and how was he frustrated?
4. What kind of mistakes/blunders did the writer commit in the bank? / What other blunders did
Leacock commit after leaving the manager's office? / Give examples to show that Leacock was completely lost in the bank?
5. Briefly describe the reaction of the bank officials when Stephen Leacock left the bank?


1. Why has the world changed its attitude towards China? 
2. Describe a day in the life of a Chinese student. 
3. Write a note on Chinese women. OR What social security benefits are given to Chinese women?
4. Discuss Chinese agricultural system. / What process has made China in the field of agriculture?
5. What are the social security benefits for a Chinese worker? / What are the medical facilities available
to the Chinese worker? / How does the Chinese assistance system help the workers financially?
6. How does China rely on his own resources? 


1. What does hunger mean on a large scale? / Describe how Anna Mckenzie define hunger?
2. Describe some great famines of the past.
3. What is meant by birth rate and death rate and how do they affect population of a country?
4. Why is birth rate so high in the more advanced countries?
5. How do famines occur? / What are causes of famine?
6. What 1s the main reason of population increase


1. Give an account of Abdul-Rehman̢۪s dramatic escape. / How did Abd-al-Rahman succeed in
escaping? / Describe dramatic escape of Abd-al-Rahman I and his advantures in Africa?
2. How did Abd-al-Rahman deal with the Governor appointed by the Abbasid Caliph?
3. Why did the Saxon nun style the Muslim capital Cordova called "the Jewel of the World?" / Why was
Cordova "The Jewel of the World?"
4. What did Al-Hakam do to promote learning and scholarship in Spain? / How did Al-Hakam serve and develop Muslim Spain?
5. What did Abdul-al-Rehman do to make himself strong and to b Is capital?


1. How do Churchill do his Latin paper?
2. Why does Churchill call examination an "inhospitable region?"
3. Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek. Was it a gain or loss?/ Churchill was taugh English, not Latin and Greek. Why?
4. What were the intelligent boys taught at Harrow? / Why was Churchill not allowed to study Latin and Greek? / Churchill was taught English not Latin and Greek. Why?
5. Why was the examination a great trial to Churchil?/ Why was Churchill afraid of examinations? / Why did Churchill not do well in the examination?
6. How did Mr. Somervell teach English?
7. What sort of questions are asked by your examiners?
8. What good did Churchill's three years stay at Harrow do him?


1. Give an idea of the size of Sahara. OR What do you know about the location of Sahara? / give a brief description of the Sahara. Where 1s it situated?
2. How did Christopher manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
3. What was the most noticeable feature of the desert/ What was the condition of/ Where did Christopher arrive first and what was in plenty there?
4. What did the driver of the truck tell Christopher about three Englishmen who had attempted to
cross the desert? / What happened with the three Englishmen who attempted to cross the Sahara
Desert with one day's water supply?
5. Who was Professor Claude Balanguernon? What was he doing in the desert?
6. How did Prof. Balanguernon save Christopher's life? / Describe Christopher̢۪s stay at In-Abbangarit. / How was Christopher saved at In-Abbangarit?
7. How did Christopher manage to get water in In-Abbangarit? / Describe the stay at In Abbangarit.
How did Christopher manage to get water there?
8. Describe the journey through the land of thirst and death.
9. How 1s El Golea different from In Salah? OR Give an acoount of the little town, named El Golea, and compare it with In Salah.
10. Why did Christopher and his companion kill a camel? / How did Christopher manage
in In-Abbangarit? / What sort of water did Christopher get from the stomach of the camel?
11. What was the result of Christopher's foster mother's threatening to send him to Timbuktu? /
12. How did Christopher's foster mother develop in his a desire to go to the Sahara?

Unit -13

1. What are antiseptic & what is the antiseptic method?
2. What was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
3. What is importance of leucocytes/ white cells in human body? / What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a human body?
4. Write a note on penicillin as wonder drug. / How did penicillin benefit mankind? OR How was penicillin hailed as a wonder drug?
5. Was Fleming proud of his discovery of penicillin? 
6. Give an account of the early life of Fleming.
7. How did Fleming's family become a medical family?
8. Describe how Fleming discovered pencillin.
9. How did Oxford team make penicillin more effective? / How was the problem of production of penicillin tackled?


1. What is spontaneous generation?
2. What was the epidemic into which the French Government forced Pasteur to make research?
3. Describe Pasteur's work on anthrax. / How did Pasteur discover the treatment of anthrax? / What was the effect of Pasteur's protective treatment of anthrax?
4. How did Pasteur discover the method of making vaccines? OR What 1s the method of making vaccines? / What is the method of attenuating germs?
5. How can we say that Pasteur was even more of a patriot than of a scientist? / Give at least two instances of Pasteur's patriotism.
6. Give an account of Pasteur's treatment of hydrophobia or Rabies and how he cured the first patient suffering from it.\patie oti from it. / How did Pasteur cure Rabies?
7. How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?


1. Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?
2. Write a note o Mustafa Kamal's activities at Anatolia?
3. How did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for himself?
4. What were the terms offered to Turkey by the Allies?
5. What was the attitude of the Turkish Government towards the Allies after world war-1?
6. Which changes did Mustafa Kamal introduce in the dress of women? / Which major reforms for
women did Mustafa Kamal introduce to bring them up to the level of menfolk? / Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to the position of the women.
7. What reforms did Mustafa Kamal bring in Turkish language? / How did Mustafa Kamal simplify the
language? / What steps did Mustafa Kamal take for the removal of illiteracy? / Describe the educational reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal? OR How did Mustafa Kamal make his nation educated?
8. Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal regarding industrial development.

Most Important Short Questions (Mr.Chips)

1) How Mr. Chips punish his first student at Brookfield school? Or How Mr. Chips punish his first student at Brookfield?
2) Why did Mr.Chips leave the Melbury Public School? OR Why did Chips not like his previous school? OR Which school did Mr. Chips join first and why did he leave it a year later?
3) What were Chips ambitions as a school teacher? OR What were the ambitions of Mr. Chips in his youth? OR What was Mr.Chips ambition when he was in his twenties?
4) Write a note on Brookfield. OR When was Brookfield̢۪s building rebuilt and extended?
5) Describe the rise and fall of Brookfield. OR What was the status of Brookfield school?
6) What kinds of people did Brookfield produce and what contributions did they make to England.
7) Who was Collingwood and what did he tell Mrs. Wickett about him? OR Who was Major Collingwood and what punishment did he receive at the hand of Mr. Chips? OR Why did Mr. Chips punish Collingwood?
8) Describe the condition of Mrs. Wickett's house?
9) What memories of Katherine haunted Chips?
10) Why was Grayson worried? OR Why was Grayson emotionally distrusted?
11) What kind of books did Chips had and read?
12) How did Chips pass his time after his final retirement from Brookfield? OR What were Chips activities after retirement?
13) What type of room was that where Mr. Chips stayed?
14) How did Chips come across Katherine Bridges? OR What was the result of the first meeting between Mr. Chips and Katherine Bridges? OR How did Chips wrench his ankle? OR What happened to Chips when he hastened to help the girl? OR How did Mr. Chips meet Katherine for the first time?
15) Why was the spring of 1896 important/dear to Mr. Chips?
16) Was Chips marriage successful or not? OR Write an account of Mr.Chips̢۪ married life? OR What changes did Chips marriage bring in his life? OR How generally, was Mr. Chips changed after his marriage?
17) What was the effect of Chips marriage on his sense of humour? OR Describbe Mr. Chips' life after the marriage?
18) What kind of person was Mr. Chips before marriage?
19) What influence did Katherine exercise on Mr. Chips?
20) Who was Faulkner? What did he ask Chips when his wife and child died? OR What did young Faulkner request to Mr. Chips? OR What did Chips say to Faulkner?
21) Describe Katherine's tragic death? OR How and when did Katherine and her new born baby die?
22) What were Chips' ideas about Boers? OR What did Chips think about the Boers?
23) What did Chips say to Llyod George? OR How did Chips make fun of the Prime Minister of England?
24) Why did the boys call Chips old after the death of his wife?
25) Why did Chips not want to receive condolences? OR Describe Chips feelings on the death of his wife and child?
26) What kind/ sort of man was Ralston? OR What were the drawbacks of MR. Ralston's personality?
27) How much was Ralston popular and respected in Brookfield?
28) Describe the role of Ralston in the progress of Brookfield? OR What were the aims of Ralston as a
29) How did Mr Chips pass his time at home after his first retirement in 1913?
30) Why or how did Chips join the Brookfield school again?
31) When and how did Chatteris die?
32) What happened to Chips when Linford departed? OR What were Mr. Chips feeling after Linford's departure? OR What happened to s after the little boy, Linford, had said good bye to him?
33) Who was Linford? Why did he visit Mr. Chips? OR Who attended on Mr. Chips before his death? OR Describe briefly Linford's meeting with Chips.
34) How did Chips entertained Linford?
35) Why did Linford come to see Chips? OR Who sent Linford to Mr. Chips and why?
36) What changes were brought by Katherine in Chips? OR Katherine made Chips a new man. Is it true?
37) How did Katherine help Chips in the matter of discipline? OR How did Katherine persuade Chips not to punish a boy? OR How did Katherine urge Chips to forgive the students for their mistakes?
38) What was the contribution of Brookfield during the World War I?
39) How many bombs were dropped near Brookfield?
40) How much popular was Katherine in Brookfield? OR Was Katherine popular in Brookfield?
41) Who was Meldrum, and how and when did he died?
42) Who was Dr. Merivale? OR What did Mr.Merivale ask Mr.Chips to do? OR What did Chips doctor say about him? OR Write a brief note on Mr, Merivale.
43) How did Mr. Wetherby advise Mr. Chips? OR How did Mr. Wetherby advise Chips on the days of his interview at Brookfield? OR Describe Mr. Chips first meeting with Mr. Wetherby. OR Who was Wetherby and what kind of fellow was he?
44) Who was Mr, Wetherby and when did he join Brookfield?
45) What were the views of Chips about women? OR What notion did Chips have about women?
46) Give a description of the appearance of Katherine. OR How did Katherine look?
47) What kind of political views did Katherine have?
48) Why did Katherine like Mr. Chips? OR How did Katherine fall in love with Chips? OR Why was Chips liked by Katherine in spite of his old age?
49) Describe Mr. Chips life after retirement. OR What was the financial condition of Chips fifteen years after his resignation? OR What type of life was Mr. Chips living at Mrs. Wickett after his retirement.
50) Why was Mr. Chips called a jester? OR Write a note on Chips' humour.
51) How was Ralston running Brookfield according to Mr. Chips? OR What do you know about Ralston's discipline in Brookfield school? OR How was Ralston running Brookfield according to Chips?
52) What type of farewell was given to Chips? OR When was Mr. Chips given a farewell party? OR How was Chips' farewell party and what did he say in his farewell speech?
53) How did Chips pass his time after his retirement?
54) What did Chatteris read in the Church?
55) Who was called the stink-merchant and why?
56) How did Chips take his calls during the shelling?
57) Who was Gregson?
58) What was Chips' will? OR Whom did Chips leave his money in his will?
59) What do you know about general strike? OR What was Chips opinion about general strike of 1926? OR What event took place in 1926 in England?
60) What were those things which Chips could never do in his life?
61) Write a note on Chips as a teacher.
62) Which type of cake did Chips like?
63) How did Chips welcome the new comers?
64) With whom did Mr. Chips share his all discussion?
65) Why was Katherine happy from Chips' profession? 
66) Why did Ralston not like Mr.Chips?
67) What led Ralston and Chips into a row? OR Why did Ralston quarrel with Mr. Chips?
68) When and why did Ralston leave the school?
69) Write a note on Ralston.
70) Draw a character sketch of Katherine/Bridges! OR Describe the physical grace of Katherine..

Most Important Essays
1. My Aim (Ambition) in life/ Choice of Profession/ My Favourite Dream / Carear.
2. A Picnic Party / A Visit to a Park / A Visit to a Historical Place.
3. My Hobby / Things I Do in My Leisure Time 
4. A Cricket Match / The Most Thrilling Cricket Match
5. My Hero in History / Ideal Personality / Allama Iqbal / My National Hero 
6. My First Day at College/ 
7. Patriotism / Why I Love Pakistan
8. Blessing of Science / Science in the Service of Humanity / Is Science a Blessing or a Curse?

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