1st Year English Guess Paper 2024 Lahore Board

Most Important SQS (Short Stories) Book-I

First year English

Unit - 1

Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?

What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband

to accept the offer?

Why did Arthur disagree with Norma?

Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading


What is the significance of Arthur's life insurance

policy? How was Arthur killed? / What did message Norma receive on pushing the button?

Unit - 2

What did the doctor tell the old man?

Why didn't the old man follow the ad


Why did Jess's father take the steep paths?

Why did the son at the age of six cry?

Where did the old man take his son? 

Why had the old man planted his secret garden?

Unit - 3

Why did Harry want to go back to earth?

How much dangerous a Martian virus can be? 

What did Harry feel after landing on Mars? /  What climate did Mars?,

What was the face on the Mariferiado tamil? 

What was the condition of the parents of the sick girl on the arrival of the doctor?

What was the condition of Bittering's family on hearing the news of war on the earth?

What was the advice Harry gave to the people? 

How much social were the people on Mars??

Unit - 4

What was the nature of woman's job? 

What was the reaction of the woman?

What happened to the boy when tried to snatch the purse?

Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?


Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking up the Semcity.com

Why did George give the pocketbook to his employer?

What made Hubert shameful?

Why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence till his death? 

Why did the people make fun of his innocence?

Unit - 6

What did Terbut think of Jorken's argument?

What was the subject discussed at the club?

What were Gorgios' feeling on his success? 

What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?

How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?

What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration?


What was the behavior of Girl/Mathilda with the doctor? 

Why did the girl break the wooden blade?

Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?

Why did the parents keep the sick girl in the kitchen?

What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?


What should be the role of a Qazi? 

What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king? Why did the boy look to the sky and smiled?

Why did the king weep? How did the diseased king recover?

Why was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?

How did the hair of Della look?

Why were the gifts of Jim and Della useless for them?

Who were the Magi? OR How did the Magi want to celebrate their Christmas?

Why did she feel proud in the beauty of her hair? Why did not Jim welcome her when she stepped in?

What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable


How did the camel men cure their camel?

What did the quack pretend to cure?

How did the quack try to cure the old woman?

Why didn't the villagers let the old man be cured?

What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?

Why did the quack come back to the camel men?

Unit 10

What are locusts?

Why did the farmer throw wet leaves on fire?/ how did the farmers try to prevent the main swarms of the locusts from landing on their farms? 

Why did the farmers do to keep the locusts away from their farms?

What was the desire of every farmer?

Why are locusts compared with bad weather?

Unit - 11

What are the qualities of the veterans of creative suffering?

What is Martin Luther King's dream?

What were the cause of Negroes' discontentment? 

What should be the faith of Negroes?

What should be the criterion of judgment of a person?

Unit - 13

Describe Maulvi's appearance.

What did Shamim Ahmad do when Maulvi Abul asked for the piece of cloth?

How did Shamim Ahmad come to marry Mehrun? What were the feelings of Maulvi Abul when he saw the bare feet of his daughter?

What kind of life did Maulvi Abul lead before

How did the camel men cure their camel? What did the quack pretend to cure?

How did the quack try to cure the old woman? Why didn't the villagers let the old man be cured?

What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers? 

Why did the quack come back to the camel men?

Unit - 14

What sort of people came on the mall? 

Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?

Why did the people come out on the mall?

Unit - 15

What does the author like about Christmas?

Why noble deeds are always a great joy for writer?

Most Important SQS (One Act Play) Book-III


What forced the girl to leave her car on the road? What did the girl see when she reached near the car?

Why couldn't the girl describe the killer?

What was the condition of the weather?

Why did she ask for help from the first man?

Why did the second man accuse the first man of lying?

Why did second man take the girl to the window?

Did the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses?

Why did the girl refuse to go with the second man? OR Why didn't she accompany the second man?

What are the factors that played a role in saving the girl?

How did the girl realize the truth?

What is the significance of the storms in the play?

What kind of play is, "Heat Lightning"??

Play - 2

How did Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?

How does Kreton impress General Powers?

What is the theme of Kreton's study on the earth? 

Compare and contrast the people of two planets.

How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton?

How damaging is violence in life?

Write a brief note on General Powers.

Describe Kreton's appearance.

What is the hobby of Kreton?

Can the people of the earth compete with those of Kreton's planet?

What is the theme of Kreton's study?

Who is John? What is his role in the play?

How impressive were the morals of Kreton?

What type of life do you foresee in year 5000?

What does Kreton tell General Powers what he is thinking?

Play - 3

Why does clay need money?

What is Harry's philosophy?

What is Miss McCutheon looking for?

How does she feel about the children of the town?

Why does Harry emphasize that there is pearl in the oyster?

What did Clay find near the rock?

Describe the people of O.K-by-the-sea.

What does Clay want to put in the local news paper?

What has happened to Clay's father?

What kind of gadget does the writer describe?

According to Harry how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?

What does the writer do with the oyster?

How does Miss McCutheon feel about her job?

What does Harry advise Miss McCutheon to do?

What do you know about Judge Applegarth?

What does Harry advise her to do?

What does Clark give Harry? For what purpose?

Most Important SQS (Poems) Book-III

Poem - 1

What is theme of the poem, "The Rain""?

How does the sun shine after rain? "The Rain"?

Why does the poet call the upper leaves the rich leaves? 

How can a rainy day be enjoyed?

Poem - 2

What does the train bring? / What Function Night Mail perfom?

What is Night mail? And from which places does the night mail pass

How do the birds and dogs react as the night mail passes by

What happens when the train passes by the farm?

Poem - 3

What time of the year is mentioned in the first stanza?

How does the cherry tree look?

For how many years does the poet expect ve in the poem? / What is the expected age of man?

Poem - 4

Signify the title, "O Where are you going".

Poem - 5

What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark? 

Why has the poet used "Cannon balls" to describe the fruits? 

Describe the street of the fruit stalls.

Poem - 6

What does the poet reflect seeing the "Sindhi Woman" 

What does the Sindhi woman cross?

What picture of the Karachi slums do you get after reading the poem?


What is the Time importance for every work? / What is the central idea/ message/philosophy of the poem, "Times"?


What was written on the pedestal of the statue?

What did the traveler see in the desert?

Who was Ozymandias and what does his statue indicate? / Give a character sketch of Ozymandias


What is the theme/message of the poem, "The Feed"? Why is mother sparrow holding a millet in her beak? / What is the dilemma of the mother sparrow?

Poem - 10

Why is modern man hollow man?

Explain the theme or central idea of the poem "The Hollow Men"?

What do hollow men mean?

Poem - 11

What is the main / central idea of poem, "Leisure"?


What is worse than slavery?

What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless? Who was Abraham? What was his faith?


Describe the scene of devastation.

Why do the people in the poem look powerless & helpless? 
How did the Japanese bear the pains of the black day?"

Under what circumstances had the victims to pass through?

Poem - 14 

Why does the poet/person feel helpless on the death of his friend?

When does a person remember God? 

Without whose love Bullah in loss, and why?

Poem - 15

Why does Mansur mount the gallows?


How many attributes are mentioned in the poem "God's Attributes"? 

What are the effects of the attributes of God? / What makes one scared of sinning? How 
does God's attributes save us from sins?

What are the effects of the attributes of the God?

Poem - 17

What are the things that keeps a person alive?


What is the effect of love?/ Is life worth living without love?

Most Important Letters -OR- Applications

Write a letter to your father telling him about your health & progress in studies. 

Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance. 

Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to give attention to his studies and avoid bad company. 

Write a letter to your father explaining the causes of your failure in the examination.

Write a letter to your friend describing him/her your first impression of college life. 

Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage of your sister. 

Write a letter to your younger brother suggesting some methods of improving English. 

Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination.

Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books.


Write an application to the principal of your college for re-admission in the college. 

Write an application to the principal of your college for issuance of character certificate.

Write an application to the principal of your college for full fee concession.

Write an application to the principal of your college for remission of fine. 

Write an application to the principal of your college for change of subjects.

Write an application to the principal of your college for the refund of library fine/security fee.

Write an application to the principal of your college apologizing for misconduct.

Most Important Stories

1. Honesty is the best policy. /Virtue never goes unrewarded

2. Foolish Stag/ Pride hath a fall. / All that glitters is not Appearances are always deceptive. 

3. Greed is a curse./Tit for tat. / As you so, so shall you reap. He who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself. 
4. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. / Beware of selfish friends. / The Slave and The Lion

5. Do good, have good. / Kindness never goes rewarded.

6. God helps those who help themselves. pain, no gain./ Where there is a will, there is a way. / Necessity is the mother of invention. / He who seeks finds.

7. Union is strength./ United you and, divided you fall.

8. A Stich in Time Saves nine.

Pair Of Words

Most Important

Accede Exceed, Concede, Accept, Except, Alter, Altar, Aural, Oral, Access, Excess, Adapt, Adopt, Adept, Allusion, Illusion, Baron, Barren, Ballet, Ballot, Born, Borne, Bail, Bale, Bridal, Bridle, Cast, Caste, Cost, Complement, Compliment, Cue, Queue, Cannon, Canon, Cite, Sight, Site, Dual, Duel, Dose, Doze, Fowl, Foul, Fare, Fear, Further, Farther, Feet, Feat, Fit, Gate, Gait, Gaol, Ggal, Hail, Hale, Human, Humane, Hew, Hue, Idol, Idle, Lose, Loss, Loose, Lesson, Lessen, Miner, Minor, Moral, Morale, Marry, Merry, Principal, Principle, Popular, Populous, Pray,Prey, Pour, Pore, Rain, Rein, Reign,Root, Rout Route, Right, Rite, Raise,Raze, Sore,Soar, Sour, Steel, Steal, Urban, Urbane, Vale, Veil, Vocation, vacation, Avocation, Yoke, Yolk.


Advice, Advise, Angel, Angle, Affect, Effect, Audible, Edible, Berth, Birth, Casual Causal, Canvas, Canvass, Cattle, Kettle, Council, Coursel, Corps, Corpse, Device, Devise, Die, Dye, Diary, Dairy, Drop, Droop, Deceased, Diseased, Dew, Due, Differ, Defer, Empire, Umpire, Eligible, Illegible, Floor, Flour, Hare, Hear, Hair, Heir, Heal, Heel, Hoard, Horde, Ice, Snow, Judicial, Judicious, Liar, Lawyer, Male, Mail, Main, Mane, Oar, Ore, Prescribe, Proscribe, Plane, Plain, Plan, Pail, Pale, Peace, Piece, Profit, Prophet, Quiet, Quite, Rode, Road, Ring, Wring, Stationary, Stationery, Sail, Sale, Soul, Sole, Sol, Seem, Seam, Tale, Tail, Teem, Team, Temporal, Temporary, Tenor, Tenure, Temper, Tamper, Vine, Wine, Vain, Vane, Way, Weigh, Waive, Wave.

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