Change of Voice: Active and Passive Voice _ English Grammar


1. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Present Indefinite Tense)

(i) You take a bath daily.

Passive Voice: A bath is taken by you daily.

(ii) Kurshid helps Naushaba.

Passive Voice: Naushaba is helped by Kurshid.

(iii) The boy makes the picture.

Passive Voice: The picture is made by the boy.

(iv) She loves her cat very much.

Passive Voice: Her cat is loved by her very much.

(v) We use milk for making cheese.

Passive: Milk is used by us for making cheese.

(vi) She likes apples.

Passive Voice: Apples are liked by her.

(vii) The mother loves the children.

Passive Voice: The children are loved by the mother.

(viii) We do not like boxing.

Passive Voice: Boxing is not like by us.

(ix) Does she know me?

Passive Voice: Am I known by her?

(x) Who boils eggs?

Passive Voice: By whom are eggs boiled?

2. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Future Indefinite Tense)

(i) He will write a letter.

Passive Voice: A letter will be written by him.

(ii) I shall order the carriage.

Passive Voice: The carriage will be ordered by me.

(iii) People will soon forget it.

Passive Voice: It will be soon forgotten by people.

(iv) He will finish the work in a fortnight.

Passive Voice: The work will be finished in a fortnight by him.

(v) He will give you a box of chocolates.

Passive Voice: You will be given a box of chocolates by him.

(vi) My teacher will help me in my studies.

Passive Voice: I shall be helped in my studies by my mother.

(vii) She will help me.

Passive Voice: I shall be helped by her.

(viii) We shall not betray our country.

Passive Voice: Our country will not be betrayed by us.

(ix) Will the officer warn the peon?

Passive Voice: Will the peon be warned by the officer?

(x) Who will oppose you?

Passive Voice: By whom will you be opposed?

3. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Imperative Sentences)

(i) Open the door.

Passive Voice: Let the door be opened.

(ii) Shut the window.

Passive Voice: Let the window be shut.

(iii) Turn off the television.

Passive Voice: Let the television be turned off.

(iv) Learn your lesson.

Passive Voice: Let your lesson be learnt.

(v) Speak the truth.

Passive Voice: Let the truth be spoken.

(vi) Help the poor.

Passive Voice: Let the poor be helped.

(vii) Clean your room.

Passive Voice: Let your room be cleaned.

(viii) Do it.

Passive Voice: Let it be done.

(ix) Don't touch it.

Passive Voice: Let it not be touched.

(x) Don't tell a lie.

Passive Voice: Let a lie not be told.

4. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Past Indefinite Tense)

(i) They caught the thief.

Passive Voice: The thief was caught by them.

(ii) He took away my books.

Passive Voice: My books were taken away by him.

(iii) She sang a song.

Passive Voice: A song was sung by her.

(iv) She bought five video films.

Passive Voice: Five video films were bought by her.

(v) A car ran over an old man.

Passive Voice: An old man was run over by a car.

(vi) The driver opened the door of the car.

Passive Voice: The door of the car was opened by the driver.

(vii) The sudden noise frightened the child.

Passive Voice: The child was frightened by the sudden noise.

(viii) She gave me five films.

Passive Voice: I was given five films by her.

(ix) He praised the boy for his courage.

Passive Voice: The boy was praised for his courage by him.

(x) The doctor asked her to stay in bed.

Passive Voice: She was asked to stay in bed by the doctor.

5. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Past Indefinite Tense)

(i) I did not paint the wall.

Passive Voice: The wall was not painted by me.

(ii) We did not hear a sound.

Passive Voice: A sound was not heard by us.

(iii) She did not tell a lie.

Passive Voice: A lie was not told by her.

(iv) He did not fulfill the promise.

Passive Voice: The promise was not fulfilled by him.

(v) He did not open the door.

Passive Voice: The door was not opened by him.

(vi) She did not obey her parents.

Passive Voice: Her parents were not obeyed by her.

(vii) She did not write a letter to him.

Passive Voice: A letter was not written to him by her.

(viii) They did not help us.

Passive Voice: We were not helped by them.

(ix) The police did not arrest the thief.

Passive Voice: The thief was not arrested by the police.

(x) The students did not complete the homework.

Passive Voice: The homework was not completed by the students.

6. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Past Indefinite Tense)

(i) Did they catch the thief?

Passive Voice: Was the thief caught by them?

(ii) Did you visit the zoo?

Passive Voice: Was the zoo visited by you?

(iii) Did he make a wise decision?

Passive Voice: Was a wise decision made by him?

(iv) Did they sign the agreement?

Passive Voice: Was the agreement signed by them?

(v) Did the technician check all the cars?

Passive Voice: Were all the cars checked by the technician?

(vi) Did the president make an important speech last night?

Passive Voice: Was an important speech made by the president last night?

(vii) Why did he insult you?

Passive Voice: Why were you insulted by him?

(viii) Why did she write such a letter?

Passive Voice: Why was such a letter written by her?

(ix) Who did it?

Passive Voice: By whom was it done?

(x) Who killed the snake?

Passive Voice: By whom was the snake killed?

7. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Present Perfect Tense)

(i) I have sold my bicycle.

Passive Voice: My bicycle has been sold by me.

(ii) They have won the match.

Passive Voice: The match has been won by them.

(iii) The have bought a horse.

Passive Voice: A horse has been bought by them.

(iv) We have done our homework.

Passive Voice: Our homework has been done by us.

(v) The Board has given me a gold medal.

Passive Voice: A gold medal has been given to me by the Board.

(vi) She has not beaten the dog.

Passive Voice: The dog has not been beaten by her.

(vii) We have not taken tea.

Passive Voice: Tea has not been taken by us.

(viii) They have not done their job.

Passive Voice: Their job has not been done by them.

(ix) Have you finished your work?

Passive Voice: Has your work been finished by you?

(x) Who has punished you?

Passive Voice: By whom have you been punished?

8. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Past Perfect Tense)

(i) They had gained nothing.

Passive Voice: Nothing had been gained by them.

(ii) The teacher had punished the boy.

Passive Voice: The boy had been punished by the teacher.

(iii) He had told me to do it.

Passive Voice: I had been told by him to do it.

(iv) I had never experienced such difficulty?

Passive Voice: Such difficulty had never been experienced by me.

(v) We had not seen him before.

Passive Voice: He had not been seen by us before.

(vi) They had not done their home task.

Passive Voice: Their home task had not been done by them.

(vii) He had not applied for the job.

Passive Voice: The job had not been applied for by him.

(viii) Had she solved the problem?

Passive Voice: Had the problem been solved by her?

(ix) Why had she not prepared the dinner?

Passive Voice: Why had the dinner not been prepared by her?

(x) Who had opposed you?

Passive Voice: By whom had you been opposed?

9. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Future Perfect Tense)

(i) We shall have killed the snake.

Passive Voice: The snake will have been killed by us.

(ii) He will have read this book.

Passive Voice: This book will have been read by him.

(iii) We shall have finished our work by March next.

Passive Voice: Our work will have been finished by us by March next.

(iv) They will have sold their house.

Passive Voice: Their house will have been sold by them.

(v) Children will have eaten sweets.

Passive Voice: Sweets will have been eaten by children.

(vi) They will have elected him their leader.

Passive Voice: He will have been elected their leader by them.

(vii) They will not have surrendered the enemy.

Passive Voice: The enemy will not have been surrendered by them.

(viii) Will they have caught the train?

Passive Voice: Will the train have been caught by them?

(ix) Will she has forgiven him?

Passive Voice: Will he have been forgiven by her?

(x) Who will have paid the bill?

Passive Voice: By whom will the bill have been paid?

10. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Present Continuous Tense)

(i) I am making the map of Pakistan.

Passive Voice: The map of Pakistan is being made by me.

(ii) I am waiting for him.

Passive Voice: He is being waited for by me.

(iii) I am looking for my watch.

Passive Voice: My watch is being looked for by me.

(iv) We are printing a new book.

Passive Voice: A new book is being printed by us.

(v) He is abusing me for nothing.

Passive Voice: I am being abused by him for nothing.

(vi) They are buying this house.

Passive Voice: This house is being bought by them.

(vii) They are buying new clothes.

Passive Voice: New clothes are being bought by them.

(viii) The boy is climbing the wall.

Passive Voice: The wall is being climbed by the boy.

(ix) The mason is building the wall.

Passive Voice: The wall is being built by the mason.

(x) The milkman is milking the cow.

Passive Voice: The cow is being milked by the milkman.

11. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Present Continuous Tense)

(i) I am not wasting time.

Passive Voice: Time is not being wasted by me.

(ii) He is not carrying bricks to the roof.

Passive Voice: Brick are not being carried to the roof by him.

(iii) She is not telling a lie.

Passive Voice: A lie is not being told by her.

(iv) They are not doing their homework.

Passive Voice: Their homework is not being done by them.

(v) Are you listening the news?

Passive Voice: Is the news being listened by you?

(vi) Are they opening the gifts?

Passive Voice: Are the gifts being opened by them?

(vii) Why is he mending the chair?

Passive Voice: Why is the chair being mended by him?

(viii) Why is he not learning his lessons?

Passive Voice: Why are his lessons not being learnt by him?

(ix) Who is ringing the bell?

Passive Voice: By whom is the bell being rung?

(x) Who is asking questions?

Passive Voice: By whom are questions being asked?

12. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (Past Continuous Tense)

(i) She was teaching the students.

Passive Voice: The students were being taught by her.

(ii) You were telling a story.

Passive Voice: A story was being told by you.

(iii) They were saying their prayers.

Passive Voice: Their prayers were being said by them.

(iv) The teacher was helping the students.

Passive Voice: The students were being helped by the teacher.

(v) Children were making a noise.

Passive Voice: A noise was being made by children.

(vi) They were not making false promises.

Passive Voice: False promises were not being made by them.

(vii) How was he making a picture?

Passive Voice: How was a picture being made by him?

(viii) Why were they beating the boy?

Passive Voice: Why was the boy being beaten by them?

(ix) Who was knocking at the door?

Passive Voice: By whom was the door being knocked at?

(x) Who was asking about you?

Passive Voice: By whom were you being asked about?

13. Change the following sentences into active voice. (Present Tenses)

(i) The picture is made by the boy.

Active Voice: The boy makes the picture.

(ii) The children are loved by the mother.

Active Voice: The mother loves the children.

(iii) Grammar is taught to us by Mr. Ahmad.

Active Voice: Mr. Ahmad teaches us grammar.

(iv) Let the oranges be eaten.

Active Voice: Eat the oranges.

(v) The thief is being caught by the police.

Active Voice: The police is catching the thief.

(vi) He is being deceived by his own friends.

Active Voice: His own friends are deceiving him.

(vii) Bananas are being eaten by the child.

Active Voice: The child is eating bananas.

(viii) A car has been bought by him.

Active Voice: He has bought a car.

(ix) The job has been finished by me.

Active Voice: I have finished the job.

(x) By whom have eggs been boiled?

Active Voice: Who has boiled eggs?

14. Change the following sentences into active voice. (Past Tenses)

(i) The watch was lost by my mother.

Active Voice: My mother lost the watch.

(ii) An essay was written by him.

Active Voice: He wrote an essay.

(iii) Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

Active Voice: Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin.

(iv) The burglar was arrested by the police.

Active Voice: The police arrested the burglar.

(v) Was the bell rung by a boy?

Active Voice: Did a boy ring the bell?

(vi) By whom was this letter written?

Active Voice: Who wrote this letter?

(vii) Why was such a letter written by your brother?

Active Voice: Why did your brother write such a letter?

(viii) Football was being played by them.

Active Voice: They were playing football.

(ix) The students were being taught by her.

Active Voice: She was teaching the students.

(x) My purse had been stolen by somebody.

Active Voice: Somebody had stolen by purse.

15. Change the following sentences into active voice. (Future Tenses)

(i) A letter will be written by him.

Active Voice: He will write a letter.

(ii) The room will be cleaned by Najma.

Active Voice: Najma will clean the room.

(iii) It will be soon forgotten by people.

Active Voice: People will soon forget it.

(iv) You will be given a box of chocolates by him.

Active Voice: He will give you a box of chocolates.

(v) I shall be helped by her.

Active Voice: She will help me.

(vi) By whom will you be opposed?

Active Voice: Who will oppose you?

(vii) The snake will have been killed by us.

Active Voice: We shall have killed the snake.

(viii) Our work will have been finished by us by March next.

Active Voice: We shall have finished our work by March next.

(ix) Their house will have been sold by them.

Active Voice: They will have sold their house.

(x) Will the train have been caught by them?

Active Voice: Will they have caught the train?

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