Important MCQ's for Form of the Verb: class 10

 Important English MCQ's for Lahore Board Paper - Class 10. 

Form of the Verb with Answers

1.      The sun _________ in the west.

(a) set (b) sets (c) setting (d) will set

2.      If he offers me a job, I _____ it.

(a) accept (b) will accept

(c) would accept (d) would have accepted

3.      How long have you been _________ here?

(a) wait (b) waited (c) waits (d) waiting

4.      They always _____ back home late.

(a) came (b) comes (c) have come (d) come

5.      They ________ tea every morning.

(a) drink          (b) drank        (c) is drinking (d) have drunk

6.      I have already _______ three cups of coffee.

(a)    take           (b) took           (c) taken         (d) had taken

7.      She _______ in this office for seven years.

(a) has been working               (b) work          (c) has worked            (d) working

8.      He _________ twenty minutes ago.

(a) has been left                       (b) left                         (c) leave (d) leaving

9.      Good students always _________ hard.

(a) worked (b) work (c) have worked (d) is working

10.  She ________ since morning.

(a) has been sleeping (b) sleep (c) slept (d) has slept

11.  I _________ her in the plane.

(a)    meets (b) has met (c) met (d) meeting

12.  The baby __________ for milk now.

(a)    crying (b) cry (c) is crying (d) are crying

13.  It ________ since last night.

(a) had been raining (b) rain (c) rained (d) was raining

14.  They ________ their work by tomorrow.

(a) completes (b) will have completed      (c) has completed (d) complete

15.  They __________ to sleep at ten.

(a) shall go (b) go (c) goes (d) going

16.  It __________ in winter.

(a)    rained (b) is raining (c) rains (d) has rained

17.  She _________ her cat very much.

(a)    loves (b) loved (c) is loving (d) will love

18.  She _________ to school an hour ago.

(a)    goes (b) went (c) gone (d) has gone

19.  The book _________ on the table for weeks.

(a) lie (b) lay (c) has been lying (d) will lie

20.  She _________ English quite well.

(a) speak (b) were speaking (c) speaks (d) will spoke

21.  It __________ at present.

(a) is raining (b) was raining (c) rain (d) rained

22.  The __________ for London tomorrow.

(a) will leave (b) leaves (c) left (d) has left

23.  I ___________ him next Monday.

(a) will see (b) is seeing (c) shall see (d) see

24.  Why do you _________ a noise?

(a) making (b) make (c) makes (d) made

25.  He _________ a story the last day.

(a) tells (b) told (c) telling (d) tell

26.  My father has __________ for Karachi.

(a) leave (b) leaving (c) left (d) leaves

27.  He _________ this book one month ago.

(a) writes (b) writing (c) write (d) wrote

28.  She _______ before the party began.

(a) reaches (b) reached      (c) reach (d) had reached

29.  Hadia always __________ the truth.

(a) have spoke (b) speaking           (c) speak (d) speaks

30.  The baby _________ for milk last night.

(a)    cries (b) crying (c) cried (d) had cried

31.  The bus ___________ before we stepped out.

(a) stop (b) stops (c) had stopped (d) have stopped

32.  I _________ this motor bike only a month ago.

(a) bought (b) buys (c) has bought (d) will buy

33.  It _________ to rain an hour ago.

(a)    begin (b) begun (c) began (d) will begin

34.  Have you __________ this book?

(a) red (b) reading (c) reads (d) read

35.  She did not say anything before he ____________.

(a)    leave (b) leaves (c) left (d) had left

36.  She _________ her work before the guests arrive.

(a) finish (b) finishes (c) will have finished (d) finished

37.  I was going to airport when I ________ her.

(a)    see (b) seen (c) saw (d) had seen

38.  The Quaid-e-Azam ________ very hard.

(a)    work (b) works (c) will work (d) worked .

39.  The earth _______ around the sun.

(a)    revolve (b) revolves (c) revolved (d) revolving

40.  She ___________ French at present.

(a)    learn (b) learns (c) learned (d) is learning

41.  After you _________ I went to sleep.

(a) had left (b) left (c) leave (d) have left

42.  I _________ this exercise in an hour’s time.

(a) was finished (b) shall finish (c) finishing (d) am finished

43.  She has _____________ him back.

(a)    sent (b) send (c) sends (d) sending

44.  The girls are ___________ net ball.

(a) play (b) plays (c) playing (d) played

45.  Do you __________ to school every day.

(a) went (b) go (c) goes (d) gone

46.  He ______ to school an hour ago.

(a) go (b) had gone (c) gone (d) went

47.  I __________ the house before it started raining.

(a)    left (b) had left (c) was leaving (d) leaving

48.  We did not __________ a sound.

(a)    hear (b) hears (c) heard (d) hearing

49.  How long ____________ you been working in the garden.

(a) will (b) has (c) had (d) have

50.  Had Asghar _________ a century before 4 o’clock?

(a) make (b) makes (c) made (d) making

51.  He will ______ the enemy.

(a)    defeats (b) defeat (c) defeating (d) defeated

52.  The players will be ________ in the field.

(a) play (b) plays (c) playing (d) played

53.  The fisherman will have been __________ fish for three days.

(a)    catch (b) catching (c) catches (d) caught

54.  Shahida _________ a sad song today.

(a) will sing (b) had sung

(c) will have sung (d) is singing

55.  They will ________ Pakistan before the end of the year.

(a)    has left (b) have left (c) left (d) leaving

56.  He _________ in the sun for an hour.

(a) was standing (b) is standing

(c) stood (d) has been standing

57.  I _________ a book when the door bell rang.

(a) am reading (b) shall read

(c) was reading (d) read

58.  She _________ her homework before the guests arrive.

(a) will have finished (b) finished

(c) finishes (d) had finished

59.  Are they _________ idle?

(a) sat (b) sit (c) sitting (d) sits

60.  The farmer was ploughing the field when it ________ raining.

(a)    started (b) is starting (c) has started (d) will start

61.  She _________ anything before he left.

(a) not said (b) had not said

(c) will not say (d) was not saying

62.  She __________ the piano since 2 O’clock.

(a) played (b) has been playing

(c) will play (d) plays

63.  I asked her what places she ________ in Europe.

(a)    visit (b) visits (c) had visited (d) will visit

64.  The __________ tea every morning.

(a)    takes (b) take (c) taking (d) took

65.  These mangoes ___________ the market by April.

(a) had reached (b) reached

(c) reaches (d) will have reached

66.  They took their breakfast after they _______ their hands.

(a) washed (b) had washed

(c) will wash (d) washes

67.  They ________ hard all day.

(a) working (b) work

(c) had work (d) will worked

68.  Aslam _________ for three hours.

(a) swim (b) has been swimming

(c) was swimming (d) swam

69.  They _________ cards for six hours.

(a) were playing (b) are playing

(c) had been playing (d) has been playing

70.  You __________ it.

(a) will not understand (b) will not be understand

(c) does not undertsand (d) be understand

71.  They already _________ their home task.

(a)    do (b) did (c) have done (d) are doing

72.  They _________ their work regularly.

(a) not do (b) does not do (c) not did (d) do not do

73.  How long ago you ________ here?

(a)    come (b) came (c) coming (d) are coming

74.  He _________ to my letter.

(a) is not replying (b) not replied

(c) do not reply (d) does not replied

75.  We had not ________ him before.

(a) see (b) seen (c) saw (d) seeing

76.  Why were they ________ on foot?

(a)    walking (b) walk (c) walks (d) walked

77.  Last summer, we ________ many places.

(a)    visited (b) visit (c) visits (d) will visit

78.  People were ________ kites.

(a) fly (b) flew (c) flies (d) flying

79.  They ________ rice every day.

(a) eaten (b) eat (c) will ate (d) eats

80.  The bus moved while I __________ it.

(a) am boarding (b) boarded

(c) was boarding (d) board

81.  My mother ___________ to me for ten years.

(a) was not writing (b) has not been writing   (c) not write (d) do not write

82.  The meeting _________ by the time we gather.

(a) ended (b) had ended         (c) will ended (d) will have ended

83.  I _______ tea when the door bell rang.

(a) made (b) making    (c) was making (d) make

84.  Sorry, I ________ go to the library. I’ve been planning to study all day.

(a) am (b) was (c) will (d) have

85.  They would have been late if they ___________ a taxi.

(a) take (b) had taken (c) had not taken (d) took

86.  He __________ a bike when he met an accident.

(a) rides (b) is riding (c) was riding (d) rode

87.  I ___________ put up some pictures.

(a) am going to (b) going to (c) shall be (d) am

88.  I was sitting in the café when you ___________ me.

(a)    call (b) called (c) will call (d) calling

89.  They __________ their meals before the guests arrived.

(a)    taken (b) had taken (c) has taken (d) takes

90.  She __________ any noise.

(a) was not hearing (b) did not hear          (c) is not heard (d) has been hearing

91.  This watch ___________ very much.

(a) will not costing (b) will not cost          (c) had not cost (d) has not been hearing


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